Hydrostatic Pressure Test machine
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Machine
Buy and price of Hydrostatic Pressure Testing machine and burst pressure testing, hydrostatic pressure test, polyethylene pipe pressure test, single-layer pipe and five-layer pipe pressure test, hydrostatic pressure test
Buy hydrostatic pressure testing machine and burst pressure testing machine for polyethylene pipes, five-layer pipes, and single-layer pipes from 2 up to 32 lines.
Hydrostatic pressure test
Pressure testing machine PTB
Automatic / Graphic and Keypad Facilities
- Two lines for hydrostatic testing in accordance with the standard
- Possibility of performing a burst test line
- 5-inch graphic display (blue/white) with keypad
- Perform all test steps on the device itself (and computer) and view test progress simultaneously. Requires connection to computer to view or print graph.
- Unlimited storage of completed tests along with complete specifications, data, and reports on the computer
- Possibility to continue testing in case of power outage
- Ability to test up to 110 bar pressure
- Comes with a one-year warranty and 5-year after-sales service.
- Equipped with a three-stage internal purifier to prevent sedimentation and extend the life of the device.
- Has a new exclusive accumulator without the need for a tube
- Ability to view test steps on the device and computer simultaneously
- Comprehensive software with the ability to save test files in various formats and output raw test data in Access and Excel formats or plain text (text file containing only data)
- Equipped with Windows software for Windows computers (can be installed on Windows XP up to version 11) – Can be installed on Windows laptops and tablets
- Body and electronic controller system and device software with the ability to have a number of lines from 2 to 8 lines
Pressure testing machine PTI
Smart / Color and Touch Facilities
- Has two lines for hydrostatic testing in accordance with the standard
- Possibility of performing a burst test line
- 3.5-inch color graphic display with touch screen
- Perform all test steps on the device itself (and computer) and view test progress simultaneously. Requires connection to computer to view or print graph.
- Unlimited storage of completed tests along with complete specifications, data, and reports
- Possibility to continue testing in case of power outage
- Ability to test up to 110 bar pressure
- Comes with a one-year warranty and 5-year after-sales service.
- Equipped with a three-stage internal purifier to prevent sedimentation and extend the life of the device.
- Has a new exclusive accumulator without the need for a tube
- Ability to view test steps on the device and computer simultaneously
- Store 8 test data on the device and transfer to the computer at any time. (When performing a new test, the previous online test data is deleted from the device, but it is always accessible on the computer)
- Comprehensive software with the ability to save test files in various formats and output raw test data in Access and Excel formats or plain text (text file containing only data)
- Equipped with Windows software for Windows computers (can be installed on Windows XP up to version 11) – Can be installed on Windows laptops and tablets
- Body and electronic controller system and device software with the ability to have a number of lines from 2 to 8 lines
Pressure testing machine PTA
Smart / Color and Touch Facilities
- Has two lines for hydrostatic testing in accordance with the standard
- Possibility of performing a burst test line
- 15-inch color touch screen (10 simultaneous points)
- Perform all testing steps and view reports instantly and after testing on the device itself, without the need for a computer to perform testing or view graphs and results.
- Unlimited storage of completed tests along with complete specifications, data, and reports
- Possibility to continue testing in case of power outage
- Ability to test up to 110 bar pressure
- Comes with a one-year warranty and 5-year after-sales service.
- Equipped with a three-stage internal purifier to prevent sedimentation and extend the life of the device.
- Has a new exclusive accumulator without the need for a tube
- Ability to connect to LAN and WiFi networks – Ability to view test steps simultaneously on the laboratory system
- Ability to receive test file output on USB flash drive
- Ability to save test files in various formats
- Raw test data output in Access and Excel format or plain text (text file containing only data)
- Possibility of direct connection of printer and label printer (waterproof label) to print labels on the sample and directly print the test report
- Equipped with Windows software to view test results and graphs on a system other than the device itself
- Body and electronic controller system and device software with line capabilities from 2 to 8 lines
Hydrostatic testing machine and burst test machine are one of the necessities of polymer laboratories. This machine, which is one of the requirements for receiving many standards and privileges required for the production of polyethylene pipes and fittings, is single-layer and five-layer. The working principles of the hydrostatic testing machine are that the two ends of the test sample are closed by a cap, generally metal or other methods, and a high-pressure water machine is injected into the test sample and the pressure, time and temperature are recorded. In the hydrostatic test, the pressure and temperature are controlled within the applied range and the pressure, temperature and time are recorded. In case of bursting during the set time, the test is stopped and the result of this test is the sample being rejected. In case of no burst after the set time (generally, the sample should remain without much change in structure after the test), the test chart is presented and the test is considered a passed test. Generally, the hydrostatic test is performed over a long period of time, the most common period of time is 160 hours and some tests last up to 1000 hours. In the burst test, unlike the hydrostatic test, the hydrostatic test device applies pressure to the burst test sample for a short period of time at a specified temperature, and this pressure increase continues until the maximum set pressure or until the test sample bursts. If the sample does not burst within a specified period of time and until the maximum set pressure, the test is clearly passed, and if the sample bursts, the result of the sample passing or failing is determined by the operator depending on the conditions of the set burst test. Sometimes, operators consider the burst test with a pressure higher than the maximum standard to ensure and validate the produced product, and therefore, in tests with these conditions, the criterion for passing the test is the successful passage of the sample without bursting the pressure, and although the sample eventually bursts, the test is considered passed due to the aforementioned conditions. This company is the manufacturer of the best and highest quality hydrostatic and burst test devices in Iran. Due to power outages and the length of the hydrostatic test, this company's hydrostatic test machine is equipped with emergency power systems built into the machine itself to avoid problems during the hydrostatic test period.

Hot and cold water tank hydrostatic pressure and burst test
Manufacturing and selling all types of hot and cold water tanks made of all steel or polyethylene for hydrostatic pressure and burst testing in customized dimensions and in accordance with standards.
Equipped with automatic door (pneumatic/hydraulic/electric)
Fully insulated (no possibility of steam leakage or cold exit from the tank)
Equipped with an element and circulator motor with an artificial intelligence controller to create the best temperature control mode and optimal power consumption.
Independent operation and ability to connect to a hydrostatic pressure generator